Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hour 6 (11-12 p.m.): Fun with Animals

I felt like I was watching a National Geographic special during this episode.

First, we saw Tom Lennox fiercely protecting his environment…

…by getting his Deputy Chief of Staff Reed Pollack…

…to threaten Karen Hayes (who recommended the blissfully novel idea of considering the ramifications of one’s actions before making a final decision)…

…by backing her into a corner over past actions concerning her husband Bill Buchanan…

…She then promptly resigned as Assistant for National Security Affairs/National Security Advisor to still-tentative, wet-behind-the-ears King of the Jungle President Wayne Palmer…

…who once hid from President Charles Logan, the OLD king of the jungle…

…by dressing up like a lioness.

Of course, no one can match the genius, bravery, and eloquence of the true King of the Jungle, David Palmer, may he rest in peace.

Back at the CTU watering hole...

...am I the only one getting the vibe that smooth-talking slippery snake Milo Pressman...

...seeks a love connection with the lovely, yet murkily not-quite-sure-she-can-be-trusted agent Nadia Yassir?

Watch out, Nadia! Milo may indeed be a cold-hearted snake (in the words of the ever-effervescent Paula Abdul)!

In the meantime, Chloe and Morris continue playing their weird little mindgames, like the old ex-married couple they are.

At least we know who to hate in this episode:

Graem (who deserves an a$$-whoopin' just for sporting a red afro at any point in time)...

…and the surely closeted couple, Tom Lennox and his evil sidekick, Reed Pollack, the ex-Mr. Hilary Swank. They’ve taken a$$ity to new level, haven’t they?

Not sure what to make of this, but in spite of the ongoing national crisis, Tom and Reed find a few minutes to relax on the White House lawn:

Troubling, to say the least.

Overall, I have to say I'm left with a lot of questions...

...that I hope will be answered by the end of the season.

This episode did seem quite transitional, giving us background information and a little peak into life with the Bauers.

Next week:

The scarily awesome actor Powers Boothe shows up, looking none the worse for wear since his days as evil preacher from hell, Jim Jones.

And, nothing says family picnic like putting Dad and Bro in a shallow grave.

Kinda ruins Thanksgiving AND Christmas.

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